Antioxidant, tonic, slimming, draining, antitumor.. Green is the health drink. We discover all the properties of green tea.

Green tea is much more than a simple drink. It can be considered a true natural medicine. The people of Japan are well aware of and use the centuries because of its beneficial properties, which over the years have received more and more confirmations by science.


This precious drink can be enjoyed hot or warm in winter and cool in summer. Green tea has a lower caffeine content than black tea or coffee.
We discover some of its major health benefits.


1) natural Antibacterial

Green tea is a natural antibacterial. Its action concerns mainly the mouth and teeth. The substances contained in green tea are able to counteract € ™ s action of one of bacteria in the oral cavity, lo Streptococcus mutans. Scientific studies have confirmed € ™ s beneficial effects of green tea against bacteria that can cause dental problems. Drinking green tea may help prevent tooth decay.

2) Antioxidants

Green tea is a natural concentration of antioxidants, among which we find especially polyphenols and bioflavonoids. Antioxidants are needed by our body to slow € ™ s cellular aging, promote tissue regeneration and combat free radicals, that may be responsible for degenerative diseases

3) Skin cancers

According to a Scottish study, green tea is able to protect against skin cancer. The researchers made sure to extract from green tea a beneficial substance that can directly affect the diseased cells and effectively counter the disease. The chemical compound is satisfactory from the action called EGCG.

4) Lose weight

Green tea is considered a beneficial ally against obesity and the pounds. Experts at Penn State University have identified some substances in green tea can lead to greater body's ability to burn excess fat and reduce the absorption of fats introduced with food.

5) Stroke

Drinking green tea can help reduce the risk of stroke. The merit of compounds such as catechins, a special category of powerful antioxidant flavonoids that help regulate blood pressure and improve circulation. In the opinion of experts, to protect themselves from the risk of stroke just drink a cup of green tea a day.

6) uterine cancer

According to a study conducted at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Women's Health Research at Meharry Medical College, some substances contained in green tea can help to inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells in the uterine fibroid. In volunteers to whom a beneficial substance contained in green tea was administered, there was a significant reduction in the weight and volume of tumors.

7) Pneumonia

Regular consumption of green tea can reduce the risk of dying from pneumonia, in the opinion of the experts of the Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine. According to studies conducted by Japanese researchers, women who drink 5 or more cups of green tea a day reduced the see 47% the risk of dying from pneumonia. Certain substances in green tea are in fact able to inhibit the growth of viruses and microorganisms that cause pneumonia.

8) Diabetes

The consumption of green tea may be useful in preventing diabetes. L’EGCG, a substance contained in green tea, It helps to balance the levels of blood sugar. In this way the body has available more energy to counter fatigue. EGCG improves insulin use by the body, avoiding irritability and curbing the desire to compensate for the fatigue with the introduction of unhealthy foods.

9) Cholesterol

Drinking green tea helps to regulate cholesterol levels in the blood. The beneficial substances contained in this drink prevent the accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries and the onset of cardiovascular disease. According to research published in the pages of the Journal of Biological Chemistry, the credit would again EGCG.

10) Tan

Good news for those who love the tan. According to a scientific study published in the journal Pharmaceutical Development and Technology, green tea would be able to protect our skin from the harmful effects of UV rays. The credit would be attributed to the catechins, some of the beneficial substances contained in green tea.


Property diet of green tea

A € ™ other interesting properties ascribed to green tea is that slimming; this time in the game chemicals are methylxanthines (caffeine, Theobromine, theophylline) and there is no doubt on their actual ability to stimulate lipolysis.

Favoring the mobilization of fat localized in the adipose tissue and their oxidation for energy purposes, methylxanthines promote weight loss. The same substances are also able to boost your metabolism; also they possess a mild diuretic effect (useful for combating water retention) and anoressizante (suppress hunger). The concentrations of methylxanthines present in green tea are however limited and quite insufficient to make the above-mentioned appreciable property (it must be more than half a liter to obtain € ™ s equivalent caffeine of a cup of coffee).

In order to get the best weight loss benefits possible from € ™ intake of green tea, It's important to know how to prepare and, above, as drink. will suffice 3 cups per day with six drops of green tea: one to be taken in the morning, at breakfast, replacing the classic milk; the other two half an hour € ™ can be taken before meals or, alternatively, as of mid-morning snack and afternoon.



The product that I recommend is the green tea of EliosNatura: The titrated Green: al 95% Polyphenols in, al 70% in Catechine, al 40% in EGCG (Epigallocatechinagallato).






If you want to try this supplement, or only information contact

Consultant Wellness Eliosnatura, He takes care of feeding, personal care and medical conditions through the use of all-natural products. Its strength lies in the combination of "power and good health", factor pointed out by the World Health (WHO) considers that adequate nutrition and health fundamental human rights.

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