Wrinkle mask DIY

Share this…WhatsappFacebookFacebook SavePinterestFlattrTwitterLinkedinRedditStumbleuponVkXingEmailIl gel d’aloe sos ha uno straordinario effetto tensore sulla pelle. It helps to keep the skin soft and supple and prevent the signs of aging. And 'suitable to revive the skin its constant use is useful to prevent wrinkles. Questo ingrediente è adatto soprattutto a chi preferisce rimedi rapidi e […]

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ll eat sugar: Gymsnema sylvestri

Share this…WhatsappFacebookFacebook SavePinterestFlattrTwitterLinkedinRedditStumbleuponVkXingEmail Riassunto sulle proprietà della Gymnema sylvestris Antidiabetica (hypoglycemic) Pancreatica (stimulates the functionality of the pancreas) Hypocholesterolemic Alteration of the perception of sweet taste Antibacterial Antihemorrhoidal Diuretic Laxatives and stimulants Eye improvement activities Antiobesity and slimming hypoglycemic activity For further information contact me Rosanna Wellness Consultant Heliosnature, He takes care of feeding, cura della persona e di […]

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Rosehip: elixir of youth

Share this…WhatsappFacebookFacebook SavePinterestFlattrTwitterLinkedinRedditStumbleuponVkXingEmailRose mosqueta oil is a very precious oil and boasts many interesting properties for the beauty of the skin. Rosehip oil is an oil extracted from the seeds of Rosa rubiginosa, for cold pressing. The musk rose oil (Pink moscheta) contains polyunsaturated fatty acids including linoleic what, with action […]

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Aloe arborescens: miraculous plant

Share this…WhatsappFacebookFacebook SavePinterestFlattrTwitterLinkedinRedditStumbleuponVkXingEmail Una delle piante, perhaps the most miraculous, that nature gives to man is the ALOE. And’ indispensable as: – NOURISHING ACTION: contains vitamins and minerals, form cells and tissues. – INFLAMMATORY ACTION: has similar function to cortisone without harmful effects. – ACTION ANTIBIOTIC: inhibits the action of many devastating bacteria, come la salmonella […]

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