Deflate the abdomen by reducing salt consumption

Share this…WhatsappFacebookFacebook SavePinterestFlattrTwitterLinkedinRedditStumbleuponVkXingEmail Il consumo eccessivo di sale è una delle maggiori cause della ritenzione idrica, that in addition to making us feel heavier, often also causes inflammation of the abdomen. Whether you use it as a condiment that is already in foods processed or in sauces, il sale è un nemico della nostra salute e del nostro […]

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Bitter dark chocolate: we block anxiety sweet

Share this…WhatsappFacebookFacebook SavePinterestFlattrTwitterLinkedinRedditStumbleuponVkXingEmail It is the only chocolate that is allowed to be consumed to combat dessert anxiety in a healthy way. The percentage of cocoa must be very high (70-99%). No milk or sugar. Still wear it in moderation in order to control cholesterol, the stress hormone. The dark chocolate, in addition to, helps to focus before studying. The […]

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Cake in cup 4 minutes

Share this…WhatsappFacebookFacebook SavePinterestFlattrTwitterLinkedinRedditStumbleuponVkXingEmail Ingredienti 4 4cucchiai 4cucchiai tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa sugar flour 3 tablespoons milk 1 whole egg 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil chopped hazelnut Explanation 1. Put all the dry ingredients (flour, sugar, cocoa) in a cup and mix thoroughly using a spoon. 2. Add […]

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Foods that increase the life

Share this…WhatsappFacebookFacebook SavePinterestFlattrTwitterLinkedinRedditStumbleuponVkXingEmailEcco alcuni alimenti che possono aiutarci nel migliorare e rafforzzare il nostro sistema immunitario non dimenticandoci mai che l’acqua è il vero segreto della nostra salute bellezza e benessere. Garlic as it may seem strange (in particular for its smell and taste) l’aglio è considerato uno degli alimenti più utili per la […]

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